Monday 22 July 2024

Making It As A Writer

 Welllll yeah....... I mean when it's done....... I mean I should get a few thousand right?

This is what I was thinking in 2004...... writing my novel.......

That didn't happen.......

People have this kinda illusion about writers.... about how they are rich/smart?

You really think even chessplayers like Andy are BUYING my novel? People in general? Nopes, for a lot of people they want to spend their money on alcohol and tattoos.....

When you've read over 3,000 books...... you know that a lot of writers die poor......

Maybe a few get rich but few...... from the writing at least......

Orwell was like destitute many times in his life..........


But when you HAVE written a novel for 5p an hour.... and got over 1 million views total on your writing........

You think you like 'care' what people think when you write? You know the best writers have been censored, unpublished for many years...... a lot had died by the age of 40 or so...........

This writer still has money........ also doing CHESS COACHING today.....

I know I will be known partly as a financial writer when I die...... over 500,000 views on my share articles..... which is a quick way of writing it yet they also contain political content and other money saving TIPS..........

Who knows........ maybe I will publish the Chris Bailey emails before I die lols.......

Because MONEY is just one of the benefits of writing..... it's a small benefit tbh........

The true writers never care or really think about money while they're actually writing...........

Once people know you are a writer...... many SMART people respect you........

You think in 2004 I ever thought I could have a FIDE President like my posts?

A guy who's managed 2 billion dollars and sometimes doesn't sleep for 48 hours or more because  he's doing shares give me tips.......

So many more things I could say.......

This free blog...... I keep a few thing hush hush......

But the real ones know.........

So I'm already a bit famous before death..... but more to come while alive ;)

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