Sunday 23 February 2020

Balancing Act...

Life is a balancing act...

It's like... you have to push yourself hard in any area to be good or superb at it... yet at the same time other areas of your life may suffer because of this...

It's not like Bolt was the best sprinter in the world AND the best investor (although with what Visa paid him... he probably made more out of that deal than many investors)...

It's not like Warren Buffet is some superb athlete...

I think it's important for me to maintain some kind of balance though...

It's like... I push myself with writing... and I really like writing, love reading through some of the things I write...

I can manage and invest money in many different ways which is nice...

I know there are other areas of life though. I know money is worthless upon death.

Life is about doing what you want as much as possible... it's like... those peak experiences which matter most...

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