Sunday 22 September 2019

Are You a Smart and Hot Woman?

So... blasting out quite a direct post today...

Are you a smart and hot woman...

Because if you are I'm happy to chat :)

I've been spending quite a lot of time over the past few years... doing lots of things but spending quite a lot of time building up my finances. They're in pretty good shape...

But I want to spend more time chatting (and doing other things with ;)) hot and smart women...

Also want to work on my fitness... the two go hand and hand to an extent.

So I'm going to allocate more time to going out to chat to hot and smart women... I already do a bit and tell them about my blog etc...

I know some HSW read my blog already... if you like what you read... chat to me :)

I'm maybe a bit too choosy for my own good when it comes to women- but even women I'm not sexual with I aim to get on fine with and we help each other mutually reach our goals...

Anyway thanks for reading chat soon!

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