Monday 4 March 2024

Different Skillsets...

 Word up...

Doing this one while having self development vid BLAST INTO ME...

I coach in a few different areas... and I believe these different skillsets HELP each other...

Chess helps my financial coaching... you could probably spend your WHOLE life if you WANTED to getting 'better' at money and chess...

Some people spend their WHOLE lives getting better or expert in ONE of those areas.....


I personally don't think that's right and even CHESSPLAYERS have to eat......

Andrew's Tate's DAD was so into CHESS that often he would just sleep on a park bench... and I've talked to GMs who were some of the best in the WORLD who've done the same thing. You only have to go back to the 60s when there was VERY little money in chess... progressively there has become more.....

Let's blast into one thing right now.......

And I'll start by saying the REASON I'm typing this out while listening to COMPLEX but GOOD self development is to TEST my writing skills....

If this was serious OTB chess I would not be doing this or even ALLOWED to do this.....

But anyway Tim Hilton made an interesting comment recently saying 'most strong chess players don't drive'. Now I don't KNOW 100% if this is true yet I do know that at least QUITE A LOT of good chessplayers don't drive. Danny Gormally doesn't...

Me personally driving a vehicle is one of the most expensive things I do... I actually want to increase my 'vehicle elo' in terms of understanding car maintenance actually.....

I guess for the ones that DON'T it will be a combination of not spending the time to do it... and the money involved in doing it....

Or maybe a good chessplayer COULDN'T pass the driving test... I guess some couldn't... the practical driving test has a low % pass rate in Huddersfield for example.....

But let's think about this now....

You could be the best chessplayer in the world but if you CAN'T get to the venue... you can't play.

What would I rather have even trying to do a regular job in the UK and many places in the world... maybe more in other places in the world... like Canada...

A degree or a driving licence?

I'd pick driving...

Anyway... going to blast out final thoughts on this for now......

Different skillsets can help you coach or just DEVELOP in other areas. Actually turned the vid off to blast out this FINAL PART for you...

Like your WRITING skills can make you a better share writer. Chris Bailey super keen on giving me the tips... the maniac... here's one for him.......

TRY and make share writing in an INTERESTING style...... I remember reading some of his stuff in 2014 and thinking........ well it's a bit dry........

But I think it has got better since then!

GM Gormally...... v good writer...... gave him free tip to read some elite writers like Palahniuk... to become EVEN BETTER...

Big win for him in Brit rapidplay btw... spent sometime watching that...... I LIKE watching players I like win..... sure it's not quite the same as ADAMS... but beating all those young hungry players while being honest about how tough chess is....... it's VERY RELATABLE... hence the free ad here ;)

So yeah... final blast... I'm going to MAKE myself put time into things like fitness too... and even CLEANING my car out... for some things you HAVE to do really... or MAKE YOURSELF DO THEM... ideally you will create a unique set of skillsets that can benefit you and others...... 

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