Friday 6 September 2024

Chess At Different Stages of Life

 Here's a thing many young chessplayers DON'T get........

Say you're a young chess player from a family with a bit of money......

In effect they will PAY for you to play chess. You won't be paying a MORTGAGE (I don't have one of those anyway)... the costs of getting to venue tournament costs etc......

The time you spend on chess..... you are probably just thinking how to get better! Sure you might WANT to win some prize money....... but you probably won't win that much or think about it too much......

So when you're OLDER you probably will think about money more. Probably because you're doing a JOB where you can make more money than doing chess.

Or maybe you're playing chess for the mental workout or for social reasons.......

Different perspectives for different times of life.......

I can coach you to get good results whatever stage of life you're at.......

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