Monday 9 September 2024



What Else Do you Gain?



What Else Do you Gain?

I've actually reread bits of my novel today...

I mean it's just my view, but by the age of like around 20 I think I would be GM writer... my novel is really good and remember I was 19, 20 when I was writing it. I'm 40 now.

So I didn't make a lot of money writing it...

But what else did I gain?

All the ability to write a novel. The joy of writing it. Already it was based on nearly a lifetime of playing. And the joy of reading it. 

Then learning how to sell it.

This is around the time in many people's lives when they are just going out getting drunk...

So I think whenever you do something, for example a job, it's important to see what ELSE you gain as well as the money.

When I'm stewarding I get some physical exercise and it's a nice atmosphere.

No job should EVER just be about the money... life is about doing what you want as much as possible...

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