Tuesday 3 September 2024


 Also when u think about it...... life is about DOING WHAT YOU WANT or PEAK EXPERIENCES..........

So sometimes it's like constant practice etc that gets you to that point where you can do something.............

And then u can look back at those memories............

For any kind of complex skill you can't DO IT ON YOUR OWN usually.........

Like I don't tell my sister how to be a doctor...... not on the technical side at all..........

Or say you COULD........ do you really want to spend YEARS of your life trying to do something..........

Not best use of time.........

With chess and me it's like...... oh yeah I started at 4...... played loads read loads...............

When I'm doing coaching sessions I understand the person then give them THE BEST ADVICE FOR THEM..... which often took me many hours of self reflection and reading myself........

You COULD do it yourself IF you knew how to do it....... but do you?

I actually do personally value the peak expriences for myself more than coaching too in some ways..... so important to look at my own results too.....

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