Friday 16 February 2024



Sunday 8 March 2020

Stay Tuned Fans...

Made nice tonuge in cheek comment in last article about how fans should 'stay tuned'...


Chris Bailey telling me to do free share writing...

I'm actually SURPRISED at some of the people who've read this blog. Bernard Cornwell has read it... Kevin Spraggett reads it quite a lot (one of the best chessplayers in the world in the 1980s... in the 1990s I thought GMs were like... higher beings)... I would guess some other chess GMs have read it too... I'm even notorious enough to be BLOCKED by Nigel Short on twitter... lols...

That's the thanks I get for one of my first proper chess books by being by him... I don't hold anything against Nigel though...

But yeah... I guess I am my biggest fan really... as I can remember all the good things I write...


This is not meant to be a brag post... blasting it out at 4:40 after hustling cash for hours... I'm thinking of moving less of my money away from shares WHEN they are fairly valued- there are lots of cheap shares around now. This virus thing is way over blown. More people die of the regular flu. Many more men take their own lives every day, you don't see the media chat about that...

Overall just too much hysteria.

Next time something like this happens though I want to be even MORE in cash than I was before this happened... and I was already a lot more in cash than most people. Ideally obviously would short some companies before... we'll see...

Ha... so yeah that's some FREE share content for you...

Maybe I do have some 'fans' who've read me before this blog... as I have written before this you know... starting from age four published in the paper...

If you count all the different forums and things...

250,000 share views on my articles...

With everything added together... all my views ever on all my writing... I would guess around 700,000...

I mean that's alright...

If I was a hot model I could get that in 10 snaps easily...

But I've always tried to stay true to myself. The truth is a lot of my writing is NOT for the masses. It's not... and I do say some things that might in effect cost me money or not be 'politically correct'...

People have used various words to describe me over time. Some nice, some nasty.

But at the end of the day I am just me. Mark Howitt. I guess I can only really be judged as a writer when I am dead. Everyone is free to have their own opinion of me. I've worked hard enough to not need the money to write now. I've never really directly paid anyone to 'teach me to write'... and as a message for young writers now you DON'T need to do that.

You do need to read a lot though... because other great writers are your best teachers for free. In the UK for sure going to uni to do an English degree is not the way to go. At all... too much leftist shit there to be frank...

You have to push yourself hard... because in this day an age being just a writer is not enough... unless you're one of the under 0.1% who makes good money from it... and even then for sure you need a lot more skills than JUST writing...

Because I've been thinking of a lot about this lately...

It's like a lot of how much money you get is how much value you provide to people and the connections you have with the right people. This can be done in many ways...

It's like I don't feel the need to buy hardly any books anymore... most people don't feel the need to buy my novel after all...

Anyway yeah... stay tuned... this is more an article for the die hard readers who've been reading me for years...

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