Friday 9 February 2024

The Chess DROPOUT RATE... why does this HAPPEN?

 Early morning blast... this is obviously when my subconscious has been working on something...

I've decided to do this article FREE atm even though it's based on 36 years of playing chess... mad in a way but it's on my mind and decided to do it for a general audience... please DONATE if you can AFFORD to do so... I may make this article private later or add to it... if I have time......


I started playing chess when I was 4. Again not going to cover too much old ground here but my parents paid quite a lot of money to send me to private school from the age of 7 to 16... these schools had chess clubs, most don't. I played a lot of chess at school... with proper coaching a bit more belief in me as a player from various places and I might have been better... however not good enough to be chess pro probably... unless I wanted to teach...

Even then... not much money in it in UK...

But look at all the COSTS involved... costs of living, cost of transport to get to chess matches, cost of books, cost of software...

Chess you could say is a CHEAP 'hobby' if you want to view it as such... and in terms of developing certain mental abilities ONE of the best things you can do. NOT good for social intelligence though... this is why from the age of 20 certainly I spent quite a bit of time working on my social intelligence. I was PAID to do this by doing jobs such as sales jobs... even in my current situation now I've been in the position where I've TURNED DOWN offers to play in Yorkshire league division one to be a paid steward... this also helps with my fitness and social intelligence...

But anyway... why do people DROPOUT of chess... of the players around the Huddersfield area that are around my age playing chess... very few... even if they played quite a lot before...

There are MANY other things smart people can do other than play chess. And this is especially apparent when a player gets to 18. He can do a job, well paid if he gets a bit of luck and puts effort in. He can GO TO CLUBS etc...

He could PLAY POKER which I have done and a lot of chessplayers have done some make BIG money doing this and I would prob like to play a bit more, ideally in person...

So who is chess, and especially CHESS COACHING for??

It's for people who want to develop their minds AND meet interesting people (in some ways). My dad did try and put me off coming back to chess to a certain extent... yeah you aren't going to meet SOME kinds of interesting people, but some people you do...

Life is not about all about money at all which is why I have given a lot of FREE coaching to other people provided they provide value in some other way...

So in terms of my chess time ideally I want to do some streaming, some more coaching... ideally I would like to see how high I could get certain online ratings without spending VAST amounts of time on it... I spent about 3 hours playing chess yesterday, maybe too much. Again this is useful in some ways though... a good time to QUIT an online sesssion is after a nice win.

It does make me chuckle sometimes reading about chess online... because I'm sure you'll get a relatively new player saying... oh I'm 900 on .... how do I get better?? I am really strugggling could I make 1200?

It's like... to proper chessplayes a 900 rating on is just like... it's how you might speak to a small child really...

If you have the money FOR SURE worth spending money on a coach to make it more time efficient. Again... might put this article out in more places FOR FREE with less promo if it's worth my time but I don't mind promoting myself here...

Over 220,000 views WORLDWIDE on this site now and I've even DMed a few people lately... if you're earning OK money in your job GET ME FOR CHESS OR FINANCIAL COACHING... I don't talk about money as much now because what's the point in just talking... there are many people who have less than me but some who have more so it's best to just BE ABOUT IT when I'm putting time in for money... I'm talking to a few jobs so obviously if I'm doing a full time one I will spend less time on chess or maybe even NONE... I am counting this as wrtiting time too...

Yeah I'll prob add more to this later if paid but if you want a chess coach who has BEEN THROUGH the various stages in life in chess, has beaten players who's played for England for their age, written a chess novel, about 2300 strength online... book me while you can!

Have to add this just out of respect... on my PUBLIC fb got comments from GMs minutes after posting this... GM Davies and Levitt so far... the amount of chess content friends area... you could spend 20 hours reading/looking at pics probably...

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