Tuesday 13 August 2024


 The best thing about being a GM writer is.......

You can write what you want........

For real... there are smart people out there... some good writers.......

But say you're working a totally corporate job....... you think you can be really real in your writing? No siree bob....... you could well get the sack.........

But I'm the kind of writer who will just go back and look at historical boxers...... see what they went through....... I know what the writers went through guys............

People ask me what the strongest form of intelligence i have is....... and I sometimes say memory. The subconscious mind can remind anything it wants to remember...... it doesn't even have to be an effort......

Like when we beat Peterborough I REMEMBERED how it felt being on the terraces as a 9 year old....... obviously you can't really UNDERSTAND things properly when you're 9...... but you do looking back......

And only I have these memories........

It's like Nietzsche said...... I can see these new philosophers coming......

Nietzsche is such a deep writer. Now that DOESN'T MEAN  I agree with everything he wrote.... and in fact now I can say I think he GOT GOD WRONG........ but I understand why he did.... and he's still a great writer.......

You do understand that nobody had to TELL ME to mindmap his books past midnght at Leeds Uni Library........

I was not getting the PUBLIC SECTOR MONEY GOVERNMENT GRANTS being in a computer lab at 2am........

So in a way I have a DUTY to deliver powerful writing....... nobody can write the way I can. Sometimes I honestly think...... are you REALLY a GM writer? Like I've been thinking it a bit recently. I mean...... I think Nietzsche believed he was a GM writer....... but did the GENERAL PUBLIC........ no way no way...... just sell a few copies get truly mad then die. 

But people see he's a GM now for sure..........

You think I don't know that there are many things that I have to improve on? My life isn't just writing....... my life is many things. But I still have to remind myself I HAVE OVER 1 MILLION VIEWS WORLDWIDE on my writing...... and I'm far from dead yet. I actually think I'm coming into my peak........

There's a lot of my stuff that I've written that is NOT publically out there now but I know old friends who have some......... I wish I had it FOR SURE....... That's why I don't even mind just blasting something out in public on this website now...... I know it will be there for me and others to look back on.........

You just have to keep going guys....... even my 2 BILLION DOLLAR SHARE MENTOR cannot tell me what to take down on this site. Yeah yeah yeah....... a GM share investor, better than me in some ways, but not my writing coach. I have not had BERNARD CORNWELL tell me to take anything down and I think he's read this site. What a genius writer btw..... over 40 million sold!

I try and GIVE BACK where I can in terms of FREE PUBLICITY when people help me...... like I do NOT EXPECT to be talking to new chess GMs who'd be one of the best in Britain...... but it's all good...... it's past 11pm in UK now guys......  but do you think I am NOT replying to the GMs who write to me? I am for sure........

More to come......

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