Tuesday 13 August 2024

What Does Chess NOT Teach You?

 Alright....... lots to do today including STEWARDING...... will just let you know I may be doing some more paid writing soon..... it's in negotiation......

Yet got this idea for article so time to BLAST OUT......

What does chess NOT teach you??

Social intelligence and verbal intelligence.

In chess you are the general in control of an army trying to KILL the other army. That is your job. You are not trying to be FRIENDS with the other army, you're trying to KILL it.....

AND you're not supposed to TALK when you do it lols......

Some people say check or checkmate..... but you don't have to......

You can offer a draw if you think it's going to be a draw..... for example........

So even though people will talk in casual games... in competitive games it is NOT ALLOWED... lols.....

So imagine you are JUST a competitive chess player....... your JOB or vocation is to be ARMY GENERAL of KILLING......

Don't think you are going to make a living just getting draws with good players. You have to win to make a living. 

TOO MUCH of this doesn't help with your social intelligence.

Now interestingly when you look at the TOP players, the GMs, they will often have good verbal intelligence, for sure in terms of vocab. Maybe their delivery won't be super smooth etc but they can talk for sure..... a lot of GMs and IMs will know a few languages even.......

But if I had to choose one form of intelligence chess DOESN'T teach it's social intelligence....... and that's understandable.

I've never gone into a game thinking......... oh... better let my opponent win. I've never even thought about 'letting my opponent off' with a draw (this in fact has only happened to me once too). 

So if you're a chess COACH it's good to have social intelligence too so you can help your students develop. I learned this myself mainly by doing sales and customer service jobs....... so in some ways I am better at COACHING than higher rated players........ I still have much to improve on though!!

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