Monday 5 August 2024

Univeristy Post

 My 2012 'Should You Go to University' Article is one of my most viewed on this site...... probably even read by nurses like Karlina Shaw and Cameo Carnekie.......


Time for a 2024 version.....

For subjects like English, History etc uni is NOT the way to go in general..... for English in the UK I would say NO WAY.......

What is YES WAY for young British writers? Reading GMs like Updike, Orwell, Nietzsche......

I've actually heard GM writer @MarkHowitt is offering some sessions for £15 an hour with MONEY BACK OFFER if you are not happy......

Compare that to over £9,000 a year fees if you're from wealthy family with no money back offer.....

Word up......

If you want your life to be a nurse, doctor, lawyer then yeah maybe it's uni for you...... but for those who are more artistic I would say NO WAY..... and this is coming from someone who has spent 3 years of his life at uni, one year doing Philosophy at Leeds then 2 years doing English Studies at Hudds. In both unis I was selected to be an Ambassador/Representative...... over that 2 years in Huddersfield nobody did more events than me......

From an English perspective there is too much subtle LEFTIST thinking at uni........

You would be better off writing a LOT and going DEEP into the great writers.....

Book me for coaching :)

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