Friday 29 May 2020

Writer if Not Paid?

Quickly blasting this out...


He prob gets too much FREE publicity but just thinking about something Chris Bailey said...

You're only a writer (he might have said pro writer) if you get paid for it... it's a hobby if not.

Maybe true, maybe not.

In this consumer we'll tax you for everything society... it helps to get paid...


You may be just blasting something personal out that you want to... in the flow not wanting money.

You might write about things that are not 'monetizable'...

You may have ENOUGH money not to even need money to write... I'm more or less at that stage... sure I wouldn't turn down money for writing but even with my paid writing... it's like I would never write anything I didn't want to even if I was getting paid...

Anyways.. paid or not I still like writing... lots to do today... connect with me personally if you feel we can add value to each other :).

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