Tuesday 7 July 2020

The Road to 130,000...


Blasting this one out quickly...

Chris Bailey basically just gagging for another post to celebrate 130,000... the other one wasn't enough...


When I was four I wrote a poem and it got published in the paper. "Trains go fast, trains go slow, Trains take you anywhere you want to go, They travel through the woods, they travel through the world..."

This writing is for all my readers who've been with me for time...

In terms of people who've read what I've written in all different... platforms... it's over half a million...

Just because I don't write here every day doesn't mean I'm not writing or doing things... lots of things are going on...

Writing is just one way of doing what I want really... and this world isn't all nicey nice to someone who just wants to write in peace.

Still, people know about my writing... in some ways people like... even in some ways others... fear is a bit too strong of a word but they want to limit it...

That will never stop me writing what I want... yet have to be tactful...

Anyway may well be able to write about more things publically soon... stay tuned...