Sunday 20 January 2019

Sunday Post


So busy making money I didn't even go out last night. And sure I made quite a lot but still... next week it's STOP making money at a set time, have a bath etc then go out... no point being a rich corpse.

I decided to just start writing and see what comes to mind...

UK shares doing better... I made... quite a lot on Friday...

The EU does last minute deals all the time and I think that's what will happen here...

On that subject...

I do pay attention to Brexit because it impacts shares. But any general mainstream news... I try and ignore it. Most of it is so biased... I even thought back recently to how it was years ago... it was even biased then. The best way to not be effected by it is not to watch it, and I totally agree that there should be no tax payer funding of the BBC and Channel 4. If someone wants to watch something either let them pay for it or let them try and sell ads.

Walk done- HAVE to do walk every day. It's like I should spend less time reading and on 'education' because you only have one body. Good to set a time for this before 8 every day...

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