Monday 21 August 2023

Pictures of Mark Howitt Chess Training

 I taught my niece a quick chess lesson yesterday. My nephew is only 3 yet wanted to learn too so watched and moved the pieces around a little.

This was after the meal at Healds Hall- full review to follow probably today yet it was 8/10. Have to say though the meal went on a bit longer then I thought- not restaurant's fault. Hence I was a bit tired. Travelled to Oakwell Hall after that which I did not expect. Had to walk to Oakwell Hall then find a room. Did so- assistants there were fine.

So because of my tiredness it was only a quick session. My niece is only 5. She picked up how the pieces moved pretty quickly. I demonstrated how the queen, rook and bishop moved. Showed her on empty board. She moved them around.  Picked it up pretty quick. My nephew did a little too.

So anyway... tired after this. Guess it takes a while to digest food had been out last night. 

My niece had a question though. In a phone call earlier she said she thought she could beat her brother. I asked if she thought she could beat me. She said she thought she could. I told her she couldn't...

Anyway, the chess lesson was over. "But there has to be more to it than that... what's the aim?"

"Well there are the black pieces and the white pieces. And the goal is to kill the enemy king."

I told her her mother could get her a chess board if she was interested.

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