Tuesday 26 December 2023

Why are Many People Single?

 Wooooord up........

Coming to you live as soon as I woke up... stewarding soon...

SO... yeah...

Why are Many People Single?

Some people on my fb have been moaning about 'why am I single'.....

Officially I am 'single' too... although really when you think about the idea of relationships etc... I don't think it's always right that people should be tied down to one person. If that's what they want that's fine but not everyone wants that...

Anyway... why are many people single?

It's a deep area... but I think part of it is that some people are looking for a GREAT DEAL. AKA there will be many women who say... oh I only want a man who is a certain height weight etc.... Oh he HAS TO HAVE THE GOOD JOB... some may say or only go for a certain ethnicity perhaps...

OH I HAVE 2 kids and they come first!

I mean... what can I say about that? It's like... you had kids with ANOTHER MAN... what is that other man doing to look after his kids? If I personally did have kids it would be my duty to support them for years... which is partly why I don't have any! 

But let's just break it down a bit more... I'm not aiming to be mean but let's just have a look...

It's like... some women have more than 2 kids and are 'single'...

Maybe you could think after you've had the first kid with no proper support it would be best not to have more? Not many smart high value guys are going to go for single mums for a relationship...



This is quite interesting to write...

But anyway say you're not even a single mum and you are listing what you'd like...

Do you think about the value YOU bring?

Does seem to me there are quite a lot of attractive women around these says. Quite a few smart career women... if you're smart look at the vids Jordan Peterson does on this...

It's like for example... you could be a high flying lawyer... get to say your thirties and think... wait... I worked really hard... but I have no relationship and want kids...

Seems to me a LOT of women do want kids... more than men it seems to me in general...

But anyway...

Let's forget kids for a second...

Just thinking about relationships... even if you want like 'open relationships'...

There has to be a MUTUAL VALUE EXCHANGE... like both people or persons have to be getting some VALUE from the relationship...

Men value looks more than women do. I've had plenty of 'interactions' with women who are more attractive than me...

Still at the same time... I personally do look at what value I bring as a man too. That's actually partly why I've been working on my fitness this year. Fitness helps with a lot of things and it's never really wasted time doing it. Hence why I'll be on my feet for hours today...

It's like I think as a man too you have to think WHAT VALUE DO I BRING? Are you smart? How is your verbal intelligence? How is your social intelligence? How is your fitness? How much MONEY do you have (don't try to 'buy' girls with money... again if you want I can go deeper into all this in coaching)...

You CAN'T be expecting a SUPER MODEL as a man if you don't bring value yourself. You have to increase your value or be of a good enough value to get a woman or women with value...

Anyway... final thing before I blast out...

Again will quickly say I'm not great expert in this but if you're a man who wants me to chat about more of this you can book me for coaching I guess...

I think a lot of people have like a wrong idea about what value they have or what value they deserve... hence why they are single like I officially am atm. Maybe people should see that if they want a relationship or relationships... you have to accept what you can obtain...

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