Sunday 29 October 2023

The Value of a Chessplayer...

 The Value of a Chessplayer...

More thoughts...

And this kinda alludes back to what I wrote on this blog years ago...

There are plenty of jobs where you can get paid and it doesn't need much brainpower or skill. Sometimes in fact once you get IN a job you don't have to do much work and you can get paid for 'team building' etc...

A chessplayer...

Well I've been looking at chess results lately...

There are some chessplayers who play chess all their lives. Everyone has 24 hours in a day.

I think people prob play chess for different reasons. Like the Inner Game of Tennis goes into... some will play for the social aspect, some to get out of the house etc...

But anyway...

The value of even a good club chessplayer is something that would take MANY hours of work to reproduce. Like imagine you wanted to take even quite a smart guy off the street at random. How many hours of work would it take to make him into a good club chessplayer.... hundreds min...

(He'd have to have the right type of intelligence in memory etc to even do it)...

So... if chessplayers were valued more BY THE UK or people in the UK in general even good club players could be paid or at least not made to pay to play. There are plenty of other countries where chess gets more government support. I think one of the reasons we produce so few pros is they're having to compete with people from India etc who have a low min wage compared to ours and they fight for the same prize money in intenrational tourns...

Will add this now... it's like I put out an ad saying I'd be willing to play in the 4NCL. A decent guy in the forum said well you might have to had play more games etc... But I've been contacted by a nice team v eager to talk to me...

Like way back in 2008 Ben Purton wanted me to play for his team... I was like... I'm not good enough and it's quite far away...

Smart people realize how valuable a chess player is and are willing to offer value...

Anyway.... just more thoughts...

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